On May 23rd 2019, the 11th International ERPsim Competition final took place and thirteen teams fought for the top position!
During this final, teams from Australia, China, Greece, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Peru, Russia, Spain, Ukraine, and United States took part in a remote Manufacturing Extended game. After each round, elimination took place based on company valuation, where the top ten teams remained for the second round, and then the top six teams took part in the last and final round.
Participants had to manage and maximize the valuation of their virtual company running on a live SAP S/4HANA. To do so, they had to use data at hand (and available in real-time) to assess their performance and optimize their operations.
Final Podium
Team Members
- Xueru Zhao
- Zheng Sun
- Peng Wang
- Haojun Xiao
- Wenjing Wang

Team Members
- Bernad Nelson
- Swetha Samson Parisapogu
- Samuel Bethanapudi
- Manjunath Madarampalli
- Ogochukwu Ezumba

Team Members
- Xuerong Tang
- Yingying Liu
- Zhongyuan Wang
- Meng Wang
- Shilin Chen

- Universitas Islam Indonesia (Indonesia)
- Zhengzhou University (China)
- Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Russia)
- Georgia College (United States)
- National Technical University of Athens (Greece)
- Universidad del Pacífico (Peru)
- Universidad Pública de Navarra (Spain)
- Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Hong Kong)
- Missouri University of Science & Technology (United States)
- Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (Ukraine)
We want to take this opportunity to thank all the students who took part in the final, as well as all coaches and faculty members who got involved in the different stages of the competition, providing insights and support to the participants. This 11th edition was both exciting and commendable and it would not have been possible without your support and participation!
Congratulations again to all the teams and we hope to see you all next year for our 12th edition!