The ERPsim Lab have been invited to provide a workshop session on ERPsim at the Beijing Jiaotong University (BJTU) in Beijing, China. BJTU is the UCC responsible for providing access to SAP to chinese universities, as well as providing support to professors and their teaching initiatives.
Jean-François Michon, Operations Manager of ERPsim Lab, delivered a three-days ERPsim training workshop on January 19-21 2015, in preparation of the release of the simulation on the chinese market. 20 professors from across China attended the event and completed the certification.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of this event:
- Yidong (Frank) LI, Associate Professor, Vice-Dean, School of Computer and Information Technology, Executive Managing Director, BJTU-SAP University Competence Center (UCC China)
- The team of the BJTU-SAP University Competence Center (UCC China)
- The SAP University Alliances APJ
- And, of course, the professors who attended the workshop!
You can read more details at the following links:
APJ:2015 The First University Alliances China T.T.T Workshops from 17-21 Jan 2015