#Food Supply Chain #Operations Management #Latin America #Logistics #Data Analytics #University of los Andes


Professor Camil Martinez, originally from Puerto Rico, brings a rich background in supply chain and logistics from her PhD studies at the University of Maryland to her current role at the University of the Andes. With a decade of industry experience at prominent companies, Professor Martinez leverages her profound expertise to enrich her teaching and research in operations management.

Using ERPsim in Class

Professor Camil Martinez has been utilizing ERPsim in her academic courses since 2015, primarily in modules such as Introduction to Enterprise Resource Planning and Operations Management at the University of the Andes.

Her approach integrates ERPsim to provide a practical framework through which students can engage with complex concepts within integrated management systems and strategic decision-making in a business context.

In her classes, ERPsim is employed to simulate real-world business environments, enabling students to apply theoretical knowledge to active, scenario-based learning. This method is particularly effective in illustrating the real-time impacts of decisions on a company's operations and strategy.

ERPsim games like the Manufacturing Extended and Advanced games are routinely used to simulate real-world business scenarios, allowing students to explore the intricacies of supply chain analytics and operational strategies.

These simulations challenge students to manage and optimize production processes and supply chains, thus developing their skills in logistics and operational strategy.

Professor Martinez's use of ERPsim also emphasizes the importance of soft skills such as teamwork and communication. By working collaboratively to resolve challenges presented in the simulations, students enhance their ability to work effectively in teams.

I think it's an incredibly sophisticated tool that really introduces the students to our reality, to our real-life situation, but also even in the detail, I also use it a lot for that analytics teaching.

The students are often shocked that what you do actually impacts what happens... And so, in that sense, it's an amazing tool to introduce them to reality.

The game makes you originate the data as you're playing. And then for me, it's great to teach them how to take it out and start building, designing their own reports and their own analytical tools. I really love it. I really, really love it.

Using ERPsim in Research

I think it is a good tool for experiment, research, and I'm developing more experiments.

Professor Camil Martinez leverages ERPsim in her research to explore and validate supply chain theories and models. By employing ERPsim, she creates dynamic scenarios that mimic real-world processes, allowing her to test the viability and impact of various supply chain strategies.

Through ERPsim, she effectively demonstrates how theoretical supply chain models can be implemented and optimized in actual business environments, providing valuable data that informs industry practices and academic understanding alike.