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A Sustainable Card Game to Introduce BPM Concepts

ERPsim Lab Launches the Maple Card Game to Teach and Introduction to Business Process Management

As a leader in simulation-based learning for over 20 years, ERPsim is excited to announce the launch of the Maple Card Game. This innovative and sustainable card game offers a hands-on approach to teaching undergraduate students the fundamentals of Business Process Management (BPM).

The Maple Card Game provides students with a tangible experience of how information flows through a business, from purchasing to sales and accounting. By engaging with the game, students gain a deeper appreciation for enterprise systems and their role in supporting integrated business processes.

The game serves as an ideal precursor to ERPsim’s SAP-based simulations, providing faculty with a valuable teaching tool.

As a sustainable alternative to the ERPsim Paper Game, the Maple Card Game reduces environmental impact while enhancing the learning experience.

To learn more about the Maple Card Game:

Order your decks of cards here:

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